Hey Ang! It's Mauri Larsen Winder. How are you?? I was just blog stalking and thought I would say hi. It is good to see you! You can check us out at www.winderfamily.blogspot.com if you are interested!
You are so right. That's why it is particularly unfortunate when a well-meaning and earnest young gentleman takes his lady friend for a moonlight picnic featuring Martinelli's. Just because it bubbles and comes in a bottle with foil at the top doesn't mean it's romantic. In fact, I'll go so far as to say there is nothing romantic about actively trying to keep gas under control.
Wait, maybe THAT's why it's called the "spinster muscle."
You're hot.
Shut right up... this is hilarious. Reminds me when you drank one too many Martinis at Holly's. You're a riot! Sh-eriously.
you should try it with ulcers. it was almost fatal.
i tried to stop you. i can't feel sympathy when you won't let me regulate your carbonation intake.
becky if i get better it will be due to your effects and not my own self control. my stomach (lining) thanks you.
Hey Ang! It's Mauri Larsen Winder. How are you?? I was just blog stalking and thought I would say hi. It is good to see you! You can check us out at www.winderfamily.blogspot.com if you are interested!
What the...?
You are so right. That's why it is particularly unfortunate when a well-meaning and earnest young gentleman takes his lady friend for a moonlight picnic featuring Martinelli's. Just because it bubbles and comes in a bottle with foil at the top doesn't mean it's romantic. In fact, I'll go so far as to say there is nothing romantic about actively trying to keep gas under control.
Wait, maybe THAT's why it's called the "spinster muscle."
Angie, I haven't seen you in forever and just started blogging. I just wanted to say hi, and let you know how fun your blogs are.
Lisa(Perkins) Summers
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