car move bacon photos duck toupee
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sometimes I make little notes in my planner when I think of something I want to blog about. Yesterday's note: Car, Move, Bacon, Photos, Duck Toupee
As you can clearly see, I have had a LOT GOING ON. Let's start at the top, shall we?
1. Car.
We sold my car. I'm pretty sure I left about 10 validation cards for the Gateway parking garage in the ashtray + a CaseLogic CD organizer under the front seat. I haven't called the buyer about this because... well, I'm trying to get rid of CDs anyway. I think he'll really like them... if he's into old David Gray bootlegs. Also, the buyer was a very young soldier who had just returned from Iraq and refused to call me by my first name. It was my first experience with "Mrs." and I actually didn't hate it. "Ma'am" on the other hand... feels like I ought to be deep frying macaroni and cheese.
2. Move.
It looks like this: We'll be visiting Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Oh,and New York. Actually, we won't be visting New York, we'll be living there. Here's a photo of our apartment.
As you can see, the previous owners are still there, but they should be out by the end of the week and then we can really get a feel for what kind of space we'll have.
3. Bacon.
I have a feeling you'll be able to visit Sarah's blog in a few days and find out more about this item, but I couldn't let the opportunity to mention it pass me by. At our final potluck on Sunday night, Sarah made... wait for it... CHOCOLATE COVERED BACON. Most people in attendance thought it sounded "Sick" or "Eew," but I thought it sounded like CHOCOLATE. And BACON. And it was both of those things. And those things confused my taste buds in the best way possible. Thank you Sarah, for more firmly cementing me into the position of "Person most likely to enjoy bacon-based confections." Which reminds me of this photo:
4. Photos.
We have wedding photos! I can't post my favorites here because of the super-tight-lockdown on Canlas photography rights, but I can link you to his blog, where he has featured some of HIS favorites. Enjoy!
Jonathan Canlas
5. Duck Toupee.
Toupees are always funny, right? Well, imagine a toupee on a duck. Better yet, don't imagine it, check it OUT. This duck lives in the pond outside my (former) office. What a ridiculous animal. Does he honestly think that thing looks REAL? It doesn't even match the rest of his head.
That is all for now. In about 72 hours I'm going to move to New York City. I am getting excited just thinking about what blog-worthy treasures I'll find there. Pigeon toupee? Stay tuned.
i love the comments about your wedding on the photographers blog!
also, your pictures ARE gorgeous.
also, that duck is not fooling anyone.
thirdly, i just cannot support chocolate covered bacon. i'm sorry.
Of course I never made it to your place to drop of your gift. So when you get a minute, let me know what your new address is. Have fun on your travels to the big city & be safe!
i got home safe. thanks again for the heating dish thing and all that jazz. i hope the move goes well.
Best of luck with the new move. Can't waite to hear about N.Y
You should be almost there by now... I can't wait to see *actual* pictures of your apartment, although the picture you posted here made me laugh & laugh. I love ya and I hope you guys have a blast in NYC. Can't wait to visit!!!
so, you failed to mention a State. A rather important state. You may not remember ever meating me, but you went within about two minutes of your brother in law. New Jersey sound familiar? Dover? Anyways you did.
Hi fellow Nevadan and Aggie!!! I hope the NYC is treating you great! I hope your new shoebox-sized apartment is great... new pics soon?! I hope so! Much love, Ash
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